The morning began at the startling hour of 6:22 when we caught the train. Bianca and I had made the unfortunate decision to get up at 5:45 that morning due to some poor planning the night before. We had been at a salsa party and didn't get home till quite late....another stroy all toghether but it made for a groggy morning.
These were the mysterious fog enrobed heights that we were to climb. Looking back I am thankful for the overcast day because seeing exactly how high we had to climb may have been a deterent...
We stumbled across several herds? flocks? of mountain sheep who, for all their charm, shit A LOT. Some points were minefields of droppings.
This sheep was laying directly across our path and obviously didn't mind Chan's close proximity. Chan was going to try to ride it but we were on the side of a mountain so common sense prevailed.
More sheep, steep terrain. Hiking, I now know, is very good for you. I can't remember the last time I kept my heart rate up for over 3 hours. You do feel like you are going to die but it passes.
This slate like rock formed natural stair cases all along the path. In the parts where it was too steep, chains were strung along and we got to spiderman our way to saftey.
At the top of the allotted first days hike which was approximately 4km in and 900m up there was a small lake nestled in the hills. Since the fog was still in it looked like it went on forever....
Then the fog cleared and we were left with this little gem. The water was veritably emerald in hue and sooo clear.
Dave, looking for something in his bag.
Steve grabbing a drink from the natural water fountain known as glacier runoff......
We reach the over night hut and were bedraggled beyond belief. The clouds had come back in during the last " steep spiraling ascent to the hut" and opened to pelt us with first a mist then a sprinkle and finally sleet. Even in those conditions though we were in our t shirts steaming away...
The hut was definitely more rustic then the previous ones id stayed at. It was fairly small, probably slept 40 people. the beds were essentially one big bed, ie single mattresses all lined up side by side in one big frame. very cosy. at least we all got our own blankets!
After we warmed up and changed into some dry clothes, dinner was served. It was three courses, 4 if you include the fruity custard we had for dessert, and ever so delightful. We started with a simple herb and scallion broth and then a mixed green salad. With all the boys at our table I think they felt bad that maybe we weren't getting enough food so they brought us seconds a couple of times. The main courses was a delicious curried chicken that we put over rice. perfect for after a full day of hiking.
We played cards for a little while that evening but it became frustrating when everyone wanted to play with a different set of rules. apparently some things are the same in europe....
As the sun was setting we went outside to enjoy the view. These were taken directly to the left of our hut. I think that this enormous panorama is the closest thing to earthly heaven that I have yet to see. The colors were vibrant, and though the wind nipped at your exposed bits, the clouds rolling snugly in the distance lent a sense of warmth.
We were the last ones into bed that night.
The next morning we were the last ones up. Breakfast was phenomenal. It was just bread with jam and ham and cheese, coffee, fruit tea and ovaltine(which is actually called Ovalmaltine over here) but they also had some muesli in yogurt with bananas peaches and apples, and that was the most delicious part...
We got a little lost on the second day and ended up taking the slightly harder route but it got us to the same place and we only did a little extra elevation.
Robyn, Bianca and Brit indulging me as I snap away.
We ended in the town of Crans- Montana where we took the cable car down to the train. Monday definitely proved that the glutes got a good workout on the weekend, I avoided stairs at all costs.
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