Yeterday we headed out on the train early in the morning to Luzern. Luzern was just a point on the Way to a town called Brugenstock where the hike was supposed to start but i have every intention of going back to Luzern at some point to do some exploring since it is a very beautiful city!
The picture was taken on the back of the steamboat that we took accross lake luzern to a fenicular that brought us up to brugenstock....
The train passes that rachel and i bought let us on any and all transportation in switzerland so we could ride around on these boats all day!
At first this hike seemed like more of a walk along a road.It turns out we missed a crucial turn early on but we did end up finding a hikeing path a little later....
the views from the road were still beautiful though. The hike we choose was on a peninsula so there was no way we could get permanently lost. Not that we could get lost in europe at all, there are people everywhere!
We saw lots of swiss cows, some of those bells were huge! When we were in Zurich on Saturday, we found a stall at the flee market that was selling bells and there was one that i'm pretty sure would have been to heavy for me to lift. It's neat though that they make all the bells different sizes so the cows can make there of completely chaotic and discordant music!
We had lunch beside a little church called St. Jost, i think. It was high up on a ridge so we had a beautiful view. There was also a strange litle snack bar beside the church that sold delicious nut pastries. Riley taught me how to ask for one but i was to nervous to try it. Also i had just had a chocolate bar, so a nut pastry was unecessary..... I think the church was a usual stop for walker/hikers since there were several other groups and families there as well.
When we finally came upon a legitimate hiking path we could hear some strange ethreal horn music and as we kept walking we came upon this man practicing with his swiss horn. Riley asked if we could take pictures and he said no problem and played us a little tune. I think we may have made him a little nervous though because it wasn't quite as good as what he had been playing before......
There was a particularly large hill we had to climb at one point and while we were figuring out the path we had the take we walked over to this shack that stood near by. We didn't k
This was a view from the top of the ridge, approximately 500m above the lake.
This cute little completely natural rock garden was along the road toward the bee house.
We arrived in the town of Ennetbrogen around 2 and miandered around. We ended up paying 5 CHF to hang out in a beach area with pingpong and volley ball courts. I had a bit of a nap and also had a dip ( very quick mind you as the water, it turns out, is glacier fed) in lake Luzern.
We missed the first boat out of Ennetbrogen because we thought there was going to be another in a hour.
We walked over to Broch which is the neighbouring town and had some delicious icecream in home made waffle cones then played a game of giant chess on the walkway along the river. We decided to take the next boat out that did not go to Luzern but to another city on
This is a picture of Broch/Ennetbrugen side by side and the second picture is the sun setting on the peninsula ridge that we walked down.
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