Yesterday we decided to pass up a bike trip and explore baden instead. It was amazing! We started by climbing up the central park area behind our house complete with castle ruins. Apparently during the time of waring city states zurich up and destroyed baden.
The view from up there was gorgeous. During our wanderings we walked accross a larger bridge which we though took us closer to the other interns' apartments but turned out to be a completely different town.
This other town did have a chinese restaurant( china restaurant in fact) but definitely no ginger beef. They had a menu up and apparently garlic prawns were 32 CHF. just for comparison the canadian dollar is worth slightly less than the swiss franc so those had better be helagood shrimp.... Acctually all the restaurants are pretty ridiculous expensive and the food is fairly steep to. I've so far stuck to onions, couscous and grapefruit though so it's not bad.
The old town area of Baden is adorable.
When you google pictures of baden you often come accross an old covered bridge which we found on our travels. I didn't take a picture of the inside but the woodwork was really very cool.
Last but not least we went down to the river again yesterday and ended up having a really great nap! ha but before we all fell asleep Riley took a picture of Rachel, Maureen and I sitting on some rocks in the river....
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