So Amsterdam....definitely something. We arrived early afternoon and wandered around for a bit with Mike, who was on our flight. First thing is the train station isn't that impressive on the inside but is gorgeous on the outside. we walk out and it a balmy slightly overcast day and there are bikes EVERYWHERE. The internet has told me that the 750000 people who live in Amsterdam own 600000 bikes.... EVERYWHERE!
Directly across from the train station is the beginning of the red light district. I'm pulling out my camera and Rachel and Mike are talking about how they'd read up on the laws and there are no cameras allowed in the red like district. Ha. probably for the best anyway.... We visited a coffee shop (they sell weed unlike the cafe that sells liquor) that had an irish rock theme. Interesting.
We then spent the next few hours "finding" our hostel. We stayed at the hans brinker hotel which prides itself in being the worst hostel with the most unfriendly staff. they were actually pretty good.
This is still friday so we dropped out bags in a locker at the hostel grabbed our white gear and then headed out to meet up with the gang for sensation white.
It was nuts. Throughout the whole downtown center you would keep coming accross groups of young people dress in shiny new white clothes gearing up for a huge night of dancing.

The event was happening at the arena which we had to take a train (full to capacity with drunk and high white party goers) there.
The group of people streaming down the escalator towards the aren is something that i will probably never forget.....

Sensation itself was incredible. we got there around 9 and lined up ( huge line) at our entrance along with the other 45000 attendees.

The center of the arena was this giant white creation and in the center was a spinning dj table. I don't think i can describe the show. there were about six djs and we danced until 6. when we left the sun was up and our feet hurt. alot.
we took the train back then rachel and i wandered back to our hostel taking in the sights of early morning amterdam after most of the parties have died... That day after some sleep i was still fairly useless but we went to the van gogh museum which was phenomenal. There was a second collection of more contemporary stuff as well which was very cool. We also toured the Heinekin Brewery which was interesting but i probably wouldn't pay to do again.
The red light district was ridiculous. we wandered after a asian tour group and got led through some of the really narrow streets ie one lane of walking traffic in each direction and either side is lined which prostitute windows. apparently the prositutes rent the windows for the night.....
it was good! i'm not sure if i'll do it again any time soon because it was a huge mind warp but yea. it had to be done!